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Membership Agreement



  1. Anyone who is the internationally-educated professional(IEP) having college or above education from around the world
  2. Anyone who has been a professional and/or is professional now


  1. Free participation in M-Bridge regular educational workshops and seminars on Canadian social and workplace culture, communication and networking without boundaries
  2. Free participation regular training in communication
  3. Free participation in networking, social events and outdoor activities with opportunities to experience Canadian culture, to practice communication skills and at the same time increase your personal social skills and professional contacts
  4. Up to 30% discount on all college/private equivalent courses and training offered by M-Bridge
  5. Educational social activities to enable you to improve your ability to interact with Canadians and be confident in your career and in your daily life
  6. Gain access to professional employment opportunities directly from employers and job agents who are more willing to hire immigrants through partnerships with TRIEC, and upcoming partnership with more employers and job agents
  7. Connecting with Canadians from your profession and other professions
  8. Significant upcoming group discounts from third party services
  9. Positive environment providing inspiration, encouragement and supports during challenging times in your integration journey, career and daily life


I agree to the collection, use and processing of the personal information I provide to M-Bridge in this document for the purposes of administration, membership management and communication. I am aware that M-Bridge takes full care and attention in protecting my personal information and will not disclose any of such confidential information to any person. I consent to the use of any photos and videos taken during M-Bridge meetings and activities on M-Bridge publications, communications, newsletters, website and media of any kind. I understand the copyright of any training materials from M-Bridge is owned by the author and /or M-Bridge; any distribution without permission is illegal. I agree to pay the fee of $ 25 for my annual membership. I agree to show the proof of my qualification of being M-Bridge member whenever I am asked to.


  1. Be punctual and attend meetings as regularly as possible, depending on your family, work and transportation situation.
  2. The dress code is formal and/or semi-casual, showing professionalism
  3. English only during the meetings to develop your language skills, except when you need help with translation of special terminologies.
  4. Maintain honest and high ethical standards during the conduct of all activities. Please turn off/silent cell phones during meetings. Listen to others, no side-bar, respect others’ opinion and raise hand to talk.
  5. Get involved and provide fellow members with helpful and constructive feedback. Share what you know, contribute your ideas and topics.
  6. Refrain from any form of discrimination, harassment, derogatory, illegal, or unethical conduct.
  7. Bring guests, family and friends, so they can reap the benefits of M-Bridge. If there are suggested preparations for a meeting, remember that we are all here to learn and help each another, do the preparation to the best of your ability, but do not seek perfection! Come and share and enjoy.